70% Of Doctors Can't Pass This Medical Spelling Test!

It's one thing to be able to spot a hemorrhage, but spelling it? That's the real test. See if you can out-spell doctors here!

Bruce Boyena
Created by Bruce Boyena
On Oct 11, 2017
1 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for hiccup?

2 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for a muscle twitch?

3 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for sneeze?

4 / 11

Which of these is the correct spelling for the medical term for a hangover?

5 / 11

The medical term for fainting is spelled:

6 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for goosebumps?

7 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for bedwetting?

8 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for those annoying swollen tastebuds that sometimes crop up on your tongue?

9 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for a growling stomach?

10 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for a corn on your foot?

11 / 11

How do you spell the medical term for canker sores?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021