Can We Guess Your Actual Eye Color With This Simple Shade Test?
Can We Guess Your Actual Eye Color With This Simple Shade Test?
It's easy! Just pick the shade of each color that draws you in the most, and we'll guess the color of your eyes! Find out if we can guess your eye color here!
It's easy! Just pick the shade of each color that draws you in the most, and we'll guess the color of your eyes! Find out if we can guess your eye color here!

Hmmm. You seem drawn to the lightest hues. We're thinking this means your eyes can safely take in more light than people with other eye colors, meaning that you have irises of a deeper hue, like brown! Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their eye color!
Hmmm. You seem drawn to the deepest hues. We're thinking this means your eyes can safely take in less light than people with other eye colors, meaning that you have irises of a lighter hue, like blue or gray! Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their eye color!
Hmmm. You seem drawn to the slightly deeper mid-toned hues. We're thinking this means your eyes can safely take in a little less light than people with darker eye colors, meaning that you have irises of a lighter mid-toned hue, like green! Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their eye color!
Hmmm. You seem drawn to the slightly lighter mid-toned hues. We're thinking this means your eyes can safely take in a little more light than people with paler eye colors, meaning that you have irises of a deeper mid-toned hue, like hazel! Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their eye color!