Only ACTUAL Meteorologists Can Score 10/12 On This Crazy Winter Weather Test!
Only ACTUAL Meteorologists Can Score 10/12 On This Crazy Winter Weather Test!
If you know the difference between sleet and freezing rain, this quiz is for you.
If you know the difference between sleet and freezing rain, this quiz is for you.

What was the size of the largest snowflake ever recorded?
At what speed do snowflakes typically fall?
How many tons of salt are used on U.S. roads each winter?
Sleet and freezing rain both start as rain in a warmer atmosphere and then freeze later, but the stage at which they freeze is where they vary. Which type of precipitation freezes as it passes through colder air and is already frozen slush when it hits the ground?
An extremely rare event that happens when thunder arises during snowy conditions is called what?
The snowiest city on Earth is located in what country?
In 2011, the Atacama Desert in Chile, one of the driest places on Earth, received nearly 32 inches of snow thanks to a cold front. Where did the cold front come from?
In 1911, Rapid City, South Dakota earned the world record for the fastest cold snap in history, with temperatures dropping from 55 degrees to just 8 in what amount of time?
The formula for calculating wind chill is 35.74 + 0.6215T – 35.75(V^0.16) + 0.4275T(V^0.16). If the Temperature (T) is 35 degrees, and the Velocity of the wind (V) is 40 mph, what is the wind chill?
True or false: In 1988, a research facility in Colorado confirmed that two snowflakes from a Wisconsin snowstorm were identical in every way.
The amount of water that would result in about 1 inch of rainfall will produce about how much snowfall?
What is the ideal snow to water ratio for building a snowman?