This Test Will Definitively Tell You If You're Smarter Than The Average Person!
This Test Will Definitively Tell You If You're Smarter Than The Average Person!
Are you one of the world's smartest people? Do you have more brains than the average human being? Find out here!
Are you one of the world's smartest people? Do you have more brains than the average human being? Find out here!

Complete the sentence with one of the words below: Matt liked to speed, bob, and weave through traffic on his motorcycle, earning him quite the reputation as a _______________.
An object travels at fifteen feet per minute. How many feet does it travel in 24 minutes and 40 seconds?
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: The epitome of _____________, Angela greeted her guests with the best manners and dressed with the best taste.
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: The detectives believed the suspect's fingerprints they found on the glass in the home of the victim were surely _______________ evidence.
Line L passes through the points (-2,0) and (0,a). Line LL passes through the points (4,0) and (6,2). What value of a makes the two lines parallel?
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: John Watson _____________ found Sherlock Holmes just when he needed him the most.
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: Gabriel was known for his ___________________ speeches, in which he would often describe concepts at length rather than concisely.
For what value of k will the two equations 2x + 4 = 4(x - 2) and -x + k = 2x - 1 have the same solution?
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: The _____________ house that hadn't been touched in years was thought by most members of the community to be haunted.
If there are 50 laps in a race and a racecar driver has completed 12 and 1/2 laps, what fraction of the race does the driver still have to complete?
What is the area, in square feet, of a triangle whose sides have lengths equal to 10, 6 and 8 feet?
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: Percy sought the ______________ of his new peers, but sadly, he only ended up __________________ for the familiar warmth of his old school.
Of the 80 students in class, 25 are studying German, 15 French and 13 Spanish. 3 are studying German and French; 4 are studying French and Spanish; 2 are studying German and Spanish; and none is studying all 3 languages at the same time. How many students are not studying any of the three languages?
A, B, C and D are numbers of different values such that:
A + B = D
A*B*C = 0
Which of the 4 numbers MUST be equal to 0?
A number of the form 213ab, where a and b are digits, has a reminder less than 10 when divided by 100. The sum of all the digits in the above number is equal to 13. Find the digit b.
Complete the sentence with one of the words below: Lionesses hunt _________, working together to bring food to their pride.