Which Jack-O-Lantern Should You Carve To Scare Away Your House's Evil Spirits?
Which Jack-O-Lantern Should You Carve To Scare Away Your House's Evil Spirits?
Jack-O-Lanterns are traditionally used to scare evil spirits away from your house on Halloween night, but which spooky shield is right for you?
Jack-O-Lanterns are traditionally used to scare evil spirits away from your house on Halloween night, but which spooky shield is right for you?

David S. Pumpkins
David S. Pumpkins
David S. Pumpkins is truly one of the most frightening figures in all of human history. Even the most evil and wicked of spirits will be forced to turn away at the sight of his charismatic dancing and pumpkin-powered blazer! If you're haunted by truly sinister evil, carve David S. Pumpkins into your Jack-O-Lantern to keep them at bay!
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Do you quake in fear of Halloween insanity? Are you afraid of maddening sprites invading your home? (And by maddening spirits, yes, we do mean children with rolls of toilet paper and eggs.) Look no further for protection than the cheshire cat, guaranteed to ward off madness from both within and without!
Jack Skellington
Jack Skellington
If you're looking to ward away fright this Halloween, there's nothing better than a face straight out of a nightmare! (Before Christmas that is!) Jack Skellington's spooky smile will keep all your fears out of the house! Nothing will scare him, and with his face carved into your Jack-O-Lantern, nothing will scare you, either!
Starry Night
Starry Night
Let's be honest. The only thing you're trying to ward off this Halloween is the spirit of human stupidity. You can't take one more year of drunk people spilling beer all over your cat and throwing candy at one another, littering your floor with nerds. Keep the party idiocy away with this Starry Night Pumpkin, raising your Halloween party's class level to prevent poor decision making.
Are you more afraid of political chit chat taking over your house this Halloween than you are of actual ghosts? Well, we'd like to recommend this Trumpkin (Donald Trump Pumpkin). He's the only political statement anyone needs to make this Halloween.
Death Star
Death Star
Are you not afraid of ghosts but super afraid of aliens? That's okay! This Death Star pumpkin will amaze your friends and terrify any aliens who might try abduct you on this spookiest of nights. Because there's nothing more frightening to a visitor from another planet than a pumpkin that could destroy their entire world .