You Need To See These Three Runners Help A Collapsing Competitor To The Finish Line!
You Need To See These Three Runners Help A Collapsing Competitor To The Finish Line!
When a runner was on the verge of collapse just a few yards from the finish line of the Philadelphia Love Half Marathon, three fellow runners rushed to lend a hand. Watch their good sportsmanship here!
When a runner was on the verge of collapse just a few yards from the finish line of the Philadelphia Love Half Marathon, three fellow runners rushed to lend a hand. Watch their good sportsmanship here!
Only a few yards away from the end of the Philadelphia Love Half Marathon, a runner's knees began to give way. Luckily she got help from three complete strangers who supported her until she couldn't go any further and then carried her to the line so she could cross for herself. While it is unclear whether she was collapsing from injury or simply fatigue, and while none of their names are yet known, the story of this act of kindness in the city of brotherly love has gone viral. Watch for yourself here:
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Now, what we want to know is...
Would you help a stranger cross the finish line?
Would you help a stranger cross the finish line?