What Starburst are You?
What Starburst are You?
Find out what flavor starburst you are that correlates with your personality!
Find out what flavor starburst you are that correlates with your personality!

On a rainy day, what do you do?
What's your go to snack?
Style of choice...
How do you deal with stress?
Favorite music genre...
Describe yourself in one word...
strawberry pink starburst
strawberry pink starburst
You're a sweetheart. Friends and peers are attracted to your positive energy and look for you when going through hard times. Your style is cozy but you love to accessorize. Be careful to not overlook your own needs for you put others before yours sometimes.
yellow lemon starburst
yellow lemon starburst
Your an introvert who loves to dream. Your a force to be reckoned with especially when it comes to people messing with you and your friends. Try to push your boundaries and have a little fun sometimes
orange starburst
orange starburst
Your a simple gal/guy who has a optimistic outlook on life. Your type A personality and occasional OCD behaviors prove to be effective in school and business. Learn to relax sometimes and embarrass the challenges life has to offer
red cherry starburst
red cherry starburst
Your sassy nature draws crowds to you. You're the life of the party and never turn down an opportunity to have fun. You have a hard time focusing in school but become determined on subjects that intrigue you. Know your limits to save you from future mistakes
blue rasberry starburst
blue rasberry starburst
Your a unique person who is a rare friend to find. Although you aren't approachable, when a true friend finds you, you prove to be a loyal and long term partner. Imagination pours out of you on canvas which is the place that you shine most. Try to incorporate your love more publicly rather then concealing it to yourself.
fruit punch starburst
fruit punch starburst
You have a perky personality with a little bit of spice. You're a born leader and take charge when faced with a difficult task. You tackle tasks head on and never turn in late work. Learn to give the spotlight to someone else for you occasionally steal other's thunder.