Which Harry Potter Character Should You Marry?
Which Harry Potter Character Should You Marry?
Because you've always wanted to know.
Because you've always wanted to know.

Where is your 'go to' hangout spot in Hogsmeade?
What is your Patronus?
What is your favorite class subject?
Who is your best friend?
What position would you play in Quidditch?
What's your favorite drink to have in the Winter?
Choose your cookie!
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
You share Harry's yearn for adventure and you're both always willing to put other people before yourself. You are very straight forward and always voice your opinion, which Harry appreciates since he can't pick up on subtle signals very well. You're also a very good listener and always willing to help Harry through anything and everything.
Ron Weasley
Ron Weasley
You're a bit of a goofball and you love to cook, which is one of the many reasons why Ron married you in the first place! You've got a great sense of humor and you don't take yourself too seriously because you know life is too short to worry about what others think of you!
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
You've got a bit of a sassy side and you're never afraid to speak your mind! You love a good prank, especially when you get to pull one with your hubby, Draco. You're also very strong willed, which gives you and Draco plenty of opportunities for flirty banter.
Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley
You're a fireball of energy and adventure. You and Ginny are the ultimate couple: fun-loving, carefree, and you both would much rather talk about your problems than keeping them bottled up. You're very athletic and you and Ginny can usually be found on a Quidditch Pitch teaching each other new tricks.
Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
You are a free autonomous being! You are always 100% yourself and you have an extreme love for animals and the outdoors. You're always happy and everyone who meets you is immediately attracted to your bright and bubbly personality. You and Luna love exploring the countryside together and you both are probably very into a muggle food called 'quinoa'.
Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger
You're very diligent, and you probably can't focus on anything else until your studies for the day are completed. You love to read and you are a true and loyal friend. You acknowledge when to admit defeat and when it's okay to push your opinion, which Hermione appreciates(even though she knows she's usually right).
Fred Weasley
Fred Weasley
You're the life of the party and you're always up for a good laugh. You see the light in everyone and you have a great sense of humor, which aids you well since Fred is constantly teasing you about something or other. You are also very quick-witted, which makes playful bantering a competitive sport in your relationship.
Neville Longbottom
Neville Longbottom
Some people may think you're shy at first, but once they get to know you, you open up into a marvelous and passionate human being. You are very driven and you don't do anything by half measures. You're also a hopeless romantic and one of the main you reasons you and Neville get along so well is because of your shared passion for dance and the arts.