What game are the guys playing in the very first scene of the series?
What game are the guys playing in the very first scene of the series?
What game are the guys playing in the very first scene which they appear in?
What's the name of the dark dimension in which Will is trapped in season 1?
What's the name of the town in which Stranger Things is set?
What is the name of Nancy's friend who had an untimely demise in season 1.
What arcade game does Dustin get frustrated with in the opening of season 2?
What is Eleven's favourite food?
What film inspires the boys' Halloween costumes in season 2?
Dustin makes the unwise decision to adopt this creature from the Upside Down which would later eat his cat. But what did he name it?
What is Chief Hopper's first name?
What nickname do the gang give to the creatures that are let loose in season 2?
Joyce starts dating the unlikely hero Bob in season 2, but where did he work?
What's Max's screen name on the arcade machines?