What varsity baseball player are you most like?

Find out what varsity baseball player you are most similar to through this quick and easy personality quiz.

Created by BVNWnews (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 1, 2018
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What is your favorite vacation spot?

What is your all-time favorite movie?

What is your favorite spot to eat?

What is your go-to pregame music?

What is your ideal future profession?

What is your favorite show to watch?

What would be your dream car?

If you owned a boat, what would you name it?

Who is your celebrity crush?

If you could pick one useless talent what would it be?

What is your go-to Sonic drink?

What is your weirdest habit?

Clayton Leathers

Clayton Leathers

You are most like catcher Clayton Leathers. You may enjoy taking a trip to Outback Steakhouse ending the night with some downtime watching Talladega Nights.

Will Dennis

Will Dennis

You are most like pitcher Will Dennis. You thrive in the outdoors and enjoy vacationing in Eureka, Kansas, while watching "Alaska: The Last Frontier". You dream of becoming a professional athlete.

Jack Beckley

Jack Beckley

You are most like right fielder Jack Beckley. You enjoy going on trips to the beach and the occasional late nights watching Fortnite Youtube videos at two in the morning.

Josh Fiene

Josh Fiene

You are most like third baseman Josh Fiene. You enjoy listening to old school style music to get hyped before a game. In your free time you can be found watching your favorite show "Stranger Things".

Holden Missey

Holden Missey

You are most like first baseman Holden Missey. You enjoy eating Gushers uncontrollably fast and your future dream car would be riding in style in a Bentley.

What varsity baseball player are you most like?

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