Which Star Trek TNG character are you?
Which Star Trek TNG character are you?
Space.......the Final frontier.......these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise....its continuing mission to .........Find out what crew member you would be! Take this short personality quiz to find out which character on Star Trek The Next Generation that you most closely resemble. Energize.......
Space.......the Final frontier.......these are the voyages of the starship Enterprise....its continuing mission to .........Find out what crew member you would be! Take this short personality quiz to find out which character on Star Trek The Next Generation that you most closely resemble. Energize.......

How would friends best describe you?
Which drink sounds more appealing?
What do you like to do for fun?
Which type of music best suits you?
Your ship is under attack by the borg. Your captain has been taken hostage. They have started boarding the ship. You are barely hanging on, what do you do next?
Which technological innovation do you like the most?
Which vacation looks the most appealing?
Someone's pushing your buttons, you're starting to get angry. How do you react?
What's your greatest fear?
Which outfit looks best?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
You got Jean-Luc Picard! You're a great leader and problem solver. You can negotiate out of every situation and have a knack for exploration. You love the unknown and adventure. Your friends consider you very trustworthy, and you will boldy go where no one has gone before! Engage!
Doctor Beverly Crusher
Doctor Beverly Crusher
You got Dr. Crusher! You are very welcoming and kind-hearted with a specialty in taking care of others. Although you may seem quiet at first, you don't let others push you around and say what's on your mind. You're a great friend and always follow your heart.
Counselor Deanna Troi
Counselor Deanna Troi
You got Counselor Troi! You are a very good listener and like to take the time to listen to others and their needs, sometimes putting them before your own. You have a very relaxing air around you but when the need arises you step up to the plate and take control. Oh, and you might want to watch that sweet tooth of yours:)
Commander Data
Commander Data
You got Commander Data! You are very logical and take everything step by step to ensure there are no errors. You are a perfectionist at heart and enjoy the little things, things that sometimes other people don't even notice. Although you make come off cold and hard at first, you are a very loyal friend who is more human than the rest of us.
Ensign Wesley Crusher
Ensign Wesley Crusher
You got Wesley Crusher! You are brilliant and your mind works in a million different ways. You love to experiment with new things and ideas, always pushing the limit. However, you are generally very responsible (usually) and have a big heart. Although you may sometimes feel unappreciated, you are a necessary part of the crew and often end up saving the day!
Geordi La Forge
Geordi La Forge
You got Geordi La Forge! You are very dedicated and persevere through life's problems. You are a true and loyal friend who always comes through for people. Although you may feel confused or blind at times, you are actually more perceptive than others and see most situations clearer than most.
Lieutenant Worf
Lieutenant Worf
You got Lt. Worf! You are very strong in your beliefs and don't let others walk over you. Although sometimes you may feel especially easily angered and love a good fight, you have a very strict moral code and are a loyal friend to the death.
Commander William T Riker
Commander William T Riker
You got Will Riker! You are very energetic and love a good party. You're not afraid to be sociable and have a drink here or there. You have a mad poker skills and are very clever at solving issues. You always have a plan and follow through with it. You would do anything for your friends and especially your captain;)