What Type of Mage are You?
What Type of Mage are You?
There are many types of Mages, including Elemental and Symblic Mages. Find out which type you are and a bit about your personality too. Tell me how accurate it was in the comments!
There are many types of Mages, including Elemental and Symblic Mages. Find out which type you are and a bit about your personality too. Tell me how accurate it was in the comments!

What is your favorite colour?
How would you describe yourself?
What is the most damaging?
What element are you most connected to?
Where would you like to live?
Choose a meal.
Pick an eye
Pick an animal
What do you value most?
What are your thoughts on dreams? (not the night-time sleep kind)
What superpower would you want?
What word best describes what you think of when you see this?
Thoughts on you and others...
Pick one and let fate decide.
Water/Ice Mage
Water/Ice Mage
Water Mages can control all forms of water, such as rivers, the moisture in the air, and ice. They also have a limited control over the weather. Because of the inclusion of ice in your magical core, you are usually either very cold and unemotional or relaxed, emotional, and able to go with the flow. Your icy facades that you use to hide your other side usually doesn't last as long as you would like, because it can be melted by strong emotions like love or even sadness. Of the other elements, you are most compatible with Earth, Air, Healing, and Spirit. Since you are so flexible, you can adapt to most situations, and you like change (though sometimes you don't like to admit it). You likely are much in tune with the moon, and enjoy the peaceful night, but also the day. You may be connected to animals such as the otter, dolphin, or swan.
Spirit Mage
Spirit Mage
As a Spirit Mage, you work your magic through the spirits of animals and occasionally the dead. Because of this, you have profound respect for the natural world, and for those who have passed on. You are an "old soul," and an excellent judge of character. You are saddened when humanity abuses animals, the environment, and each other. You are completely against violence, preferring to amend disagreements in a peaceful way. You connect most with the all of the Elements. You are a sticker for tradition and are kind to everyone. You seldom anger, but when you do, it is with cold precision, striking mental and verbal blows in the places it hurts most. If you are wronged, you take your revenge, and then let it be. You never react with an over- or under-reaction. You see magic in the mundane. You may connect with animals like the owl, hummingbird, mountain lion, or raven.
Air/Wind Mage
Air/Wind Mage
Air Mages have at their command the wind, much of the weather, and the air itself. You are a dreamer and maybe wish you could get away from the world and into another (maybe from a book!) You sometimes feel that the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You DON'T have to bear the burden by yourself! You are honest and think that the world would be a better place if we could learn to respect and honour out fellow humans, as well as animals and the environment. You try your best to please others and hate when people are angry or displeased with you. Beware of striving for perfection, you'll only be disappointed, which can sink you into sadness, anxiety, or depression. The Elements that you resonate most are Water, Spirit, Light, and Earth. You are very playful, but can get bogged down by the negative energies of others. For this reason, you may think that you are an introvert, when really you are drawing off other peoples' problems, making you tired. You may connect with animals such as the owl, hummingbird, butterfly, or dove.
Earth Mage
Earth Mage
Earth Mages have the use of stone, soil, plants, and limited control of animals. You are very grounded and focused on material things like money. You enjoy caring for others and giving people things that you have made. You endure a lot, because others may frequently take their anger and stress out on you, but you stay firm, though it does affect you. When you are upset or angry, the consequences usually affect more than one person. You oftentimes hide your true emotions behind a wall of stone, but these emotions are essential, otherwise you could sink into depression or anxiety. You appreciate the beauty in life. At first, you see only the surface of people, but as you get to know them, you see very deep. The Elements that you connect with are Water, Crystal, Fire, and Healing. You thrive on constancy and routine, but are very organized. You may connect with animals like the bear, lion, deer, or rabbit.
Fire Mage
Fire Mage
Fire Mages control all types of fire, as well as lava. You are very warm and caring, but can be hotheaded and prone to anger. If someone sets you off, it's hard to stop you. When people agree with you or otherwise give in, you become even stronger. This is an element with much power, so be careful when you use it. You love providing and cooking for others, and are very creative. Your life needs lots of fuel for it to be interesting for you, otherwise you may become "put out" and depressed. You are passionate about many things. Of all the Elements, you resonate most with Earth, Air, Light, Healing, and Crystal. You like change, but only a little at a time. If there is to much of something, you can become overwhelmed, but aside from that, you follow your dreams (and maybe your friends' as well), and flourish in activity. You may be connected with animals like the lion, snake, or salamander.
Crystal Mage
Crystal Mage
Crystal Mages are the "Jacks of All Trades" of the Mages, because there are so many types of crystals. You are well balanced and love beauty of all kinds. Crystal are formed from a delicate balance of Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. They also often have a Spirit, or can be Used for Healing or focusing Light , so they literally combine all the other Mage types. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. You work best with others, and can see Magic in the mundane world. You have many facets to you, and have an arsenal of personalities and skills at your disposal to deal with any situation as you see fit. You resonate with all of the other Elements. You may be connected to animals like the hummingbird, butterfly, or koi/gold fish. Let your soul guide you to the use of your power, and Don't let others take advantage of you, they may only see your lovely surface.
Healing Mage
Healing Mage
Healing Mages use many types of Magic