What Superpower Should You Have?

This is a simple quiz to see what superpower you would most likely have in a comic book based on your answers... Enjoy

Caitlin Staton
Created by Caitlin Staton(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Do you like staying in water or on dry land?

Which is you favorite super hero?

What is your favorite type of movie?

Are you the type of person to run into danger or hide from it?

If you were being cheated on by your bf/gf what would you do?

Breath Underwater

Breath Underwater

You have the ability to breathe under water like aquaman or spongebob haha



Congratulations you can fly

Lie Detector

Lie Detector

You are a human lie detector you always know when someone is lying

X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Vision

You have the power to see through anything you can even see into someones soul

Shape Shifter

Shape Shifter

You can shapeshift into anything you can even turn into an alien

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