What Teaching Department Are You Most Like?
What Teaching Department Are You Most Like?
Are you more of a math person, or a history one? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you more of a math person, or a history one? Take this quiz to find out!

You're stranded on a desert island. How did you end up here?
You can have one thing on this desert island. What is it?
Where do you set up shelter?
What's your survival strategy?
You're saved. How?
Athletic Department
Athletic Department
You're less concerned with what you're doing than how many calories you're burning. You see each day as a challenge, and you're great at setting and meeting goals. Also, you can probably hold a plank for an insanely long amount of time.
Math Department
Math Department
Math makes sense to you, and numbers don't lie. You'd rather calculate something out carefully than act impulsively. You're logical, smart, and efficient, and you shake your head at people who claim to be "nerds."
History Department
History Department
At some point in your childhood, your parents told you "never look back," but you didn't listen to them. You're more interested in the past than the present, and you're a firm believer that history repeats itself. People laugh at you, but you'll show them when the next Cuban Missile Crisis happens and you know exactly how to solve it.
English Department
English Department
You're still a little annoyed that you had to look up from your book to take this quiz. You're creative, intuitive, and imaginative. You love seeing things from other people's points of view. Now you just have to figure out the symbolism behind this quiz...