Which Brave New World character are you most like?

Take this quiz to determine what character you are most like based on our own society's standards.

Created by calea4love (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 28, 2016

How do you feel about dating multiple people?

How do you feel about people 'sleeping around'?

How often do you go shopping?

How often do you post to social media? (Snapchat, instagram, twitter, facebook)

I believe...

Do you want to start a family?

How do you feel about drugs?

When is sex okay?

What are your feelings in relation to dating?

Henry Foster

Henry Foster

You are the strictest sense of upholding societal norms. You do not really care why things are the way they are, as long as they continue to be so.

Lenina Crowne

Lenina Crowne

You would be like Lenina Crowne. You subconsciously follow societal norms. You believe they are 'the way it is" because you have never thought of it otherwise. You may come to question one or two things of your society, but even this is scene through what is acceptable and you may feel guilty for it.



You reject things that do not work in your favor. You tend to lean towards things that are less acceptable in your society, but only things that are not completely blasphemous.

If you were accepted into society, you would be more accepting of societal norms.

Helmholtz Watson

Helmholtz Watson

You quietly do not accept societal norms in the slightest. You view behaviors objectively., acknowledging that people may do whatever they wish. There is no wrong or right.

John the Savage

John the Savage

You vehemently believe society should be a certain way and the way you live now is not that way. You purposefully challenge norms and attempt to disrupt them.

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