Which Malazan Book of the Fallen series character are you?
Which Malazan Book of the Fallen series character are you?
Have you ever wondered which character from Steven Erikson's series Malazan Book of the Fallen you are? Unfortunately only eight characters could be chosen from so a few favourites won't be there. Characters are from the first nine books. May contain spoilers.
Have you ever wondered which character from Steven Erikson's series Malazan Book of the Fallen you are? Unfortunately only eight characters could be chosen from so a few favourites won't be there. Characters are from the first nine books. May contain spoilers.
![Called It](http://static.ex.co/cdn/content/images/default_user_small.png)
How would you describe yourself?
How do your friends see you?
Describe your state of being.
Ascendant, mortal or just really long-lived?
Weapon of choice?
Part of the Deck of Dragons?
Male or Female
Have you actually read the books? (Does not affect your result)
And finally, pick a companion.
Anomander Rake
Anomander Rake
Like Anomander, to others you seem mysterious and powerful, with very few friends. You are under no illusions as to your capabilities but are wise enough to limit your abuse of it, and you are very hard to fool. Your isolation is a result of thousands of years of experience and the weight of the sword Dragnipur, and if you manage to find someone who deserves your trust and respect, they will find you to be a staunch ally, and you are not afraid to give your life to set things right.
You are like Kallor, ambitious and tough, always searching for a throne to call your own. Isolated, friendless, and unable to sympathise with anyone. You wallow in self pity, and have been cursed by the Elder Gods for turning an entire continent and its seven million inhabitants to ash. Well done!
Telorast and Curdle
Telorast and Curdle
Annoying, somewhat dead dragons that inhabit a pair of lizard skeletons.
You were the commander of the Bridgeburners under the rule of the former Emperor, was busted down to sergeant by the Empress, promoted back to commander by Fist Onearm, killed, and maintained as commander for Hood, lord of the dead. You were friends with Anomander Rake, and became an Ascendant along with the rest of the dead Bridgeburners. What a successful career.
Icarium Lifestealer
Icarium Lifestealer
Innocent and noble, your rage tends to destroy small civilisations, yet leaves you with no memory of it. That said, the Nameless Ones - a cult dedicated to the Azath houses - have made sure you have a companion throughout all your wanderings.
Toc the Younger
Toc the Younger
A one-eyed former Claw spy turned scout for Onearm's host, you were partially possessed by the wolf god Togg, died, then came back as in the body of Anaster, a cannibal, who then it turn died and became Hood's Herald as well as the Herald of War.
Adjunct Tavore
Adjunct Tavore
Your brother is the Master of the Deck, your younger sister was the Sha'ik Reborn and you are leading an army on the brink of mutiny into a waste land where there are used as cannon fodder for the invading army of K'Chain Nah'Ruk, but you're still not done. Five stars for stubbornness.
Samar Dev
Samar Dev
A companion to the Toblakia Karse Orlong, you are a witch with the soul of an ancient war god stuck in your dagger. Your companion has a huge horse called Havok and which may or may not want to eat you. He also has a sword which has the souls of his former companions imprisoned within the blade. I think you may possibly need a better taste in friends.