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Are You A Tomboy, A Girly Girl Or A Lady?

Are you totally a tomboy, a giggling girly girl or a languid lady?

Calypso Kofae
Created by Calypso Kofae
On Jan 5, 2022

Pick a tattoo:

Heels or nah?

Which image makes you feel the happiest?

How long do you need to get ready in the morning?

Pick a bed:

Hair up or hair down?

Pick a pet:

How does this image make you feel?

You're a Tomboy!

You're a Tomboy!

You're a fun loving character who isn't afraid to rough it every now and then. Your cool laid back style suits your spontaneous personality and whimsical lifestyle. You believe that life is all about experiences and you want to experience them ALL!

Did we nail it? Let us know in the comments below!

You're a Girly Girl!

You're a Girly Girl!

You're super stylish and often feel like if you look good on the outside you feel good on the inside. You're light hearted and bubbly and always know how to make everyone around you laugh. Your adorable style projects your girlish personality and disguises your inner insecurities.

Did we nail it? Let us know in the comments below!

You're a Lady!

You're a Lady!

Your demure style expresses your cool and composed personality. You're always dressed appropriately for any occasion and look effortless in doing so. You love to take advantage of the outdoors and treat your body as a temple. You'd try anything once, as long as it's in good taste.

Did we nail it? Let us know in the comments below!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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