What Are You Mentally Fit For?
What Are You Mentally Fit For?
What sort of life challenges are you already mentally prepared for?
What sort of life challenges are you already mentally prepared for?

I pride myself on having a rich vocabulary
Using numbers and numerical symbols is easy for me
I have wide and varied musical interests including both classical and contemporary
The world of plants and animals is important to me
I like to interact with all different types of people
I enjoy taking on new challenges
I am extremely aware of my surroundings at all times
I very often find myself thinking about my existence in the world and my purpose in life
I believe that honesty is always the best policy
I prefer the outdoors to the indoors
I like working and thinking on my own and quietly
I value science over imagination
I find hard work deeply rewarding
I can picture scenes in my head when I remember things
I believe that every problem can be solved
Parenting a big brood
Parenting a big brood
You tend to be quite loving and encouraging and appear to possess natural parental instincts. You're usually pretty protective over your loved ones to a point where one of your favorite things to do is to nurture or "fix" people. You're quite patient, though to a point and you pride yourself on being able to smoothly handle stressful situations.
Achieve a seemingly impossible task
Achieve a seemingly impossible task
You're a curious and diligent worker and tend to not take "no" for an answer. You enjoy exploring the world around you and you haven't encountered a problem that you haven't be able to solve yet. You don't believe in words like "impossible" or terms like "it can't be done." You're persistent to a point of stubbornness and tend not to abandon your projects until you've seen them through.
Creating a $1bn startup
Creating a $1bn startup
You're creative, innovative and resourceful. You're a natural born leader with a pioneering attitude towards innovation. You tend to think big and think about figuring out the resources later. You're quite sharp and tend to think very quickly, which makes you lose your train of thought more often than you care to admit. You're an amazing team player and love to nurture and cultivate a creative environment.
Volunteering in a 3rd world country
Volunteering in a 3rd world country
You tend to be quite kind, selfless and compassionate. You're very hard working and tend to put the needs of others before your own. You're quite insightful and caring and enjoy getting to know new people and their backgrounds. You tend to be so generous that at times you spread yourself quite thin, but you thoroughly enjoy it.
Being famous
Being famous
You're an open minded creative thinker who simply loves attention. You enjoy the company of your friends and acquaintances, but you're not afraid of having fun with strangers either. You tend to be quite whimsical and unpredictable, which only adds to your mysterious allure. You tend to fascinate people and draw them into your fantastical world.
Becoming a politician
Becoming a politician
You tend to be very eloquent and are known for talking your way out of an argument more than once. You tend to be quite diplomatic in your demeanour and you often enjoy to mediate conflict amongst your friends. You're patient though firm and you don't take any crap from anyone. You're strong and assertive, you know what you want and you're not afraid to go after it and get it.
Saving lives
Saving lives
You're quite benevolent in your nature and possess a selfless streak many find alluring. You extremely caring and conscientious, which many find to be admirable. You're a diligent worker and tend to put other people's needs before yours. You care greatly for mankind and are always on hand when someone might be in need of your help.
Saving the world
Saving the world
You tend to be very caring, inclusive and creative. You're very generous with both your possessions and your time and tend to be very conscientious and innovative. You have a deep desire to help others and "fix" or improve things. You're quite the problem solver and don't really see obstacles so much as challenges. You firmly believe that the world is your oyster and your life amounts to what you do with it.