What Is Actually The Healthiest Thing About You?
What Is Actually The Healthiest Thing About You?
We all try to take care of our health, but what particular thing keeps your health in check?
We all try to take care of our health, but what particular thing keeps your health in check?

Pick your drink of choice:
How often to you check your phone?
Pick your preferred kind of exercise:
How many meals do you eat a day?
Are you an indoors or an outdoors person?
Pick a guilty pleasure:
Do you believe in fad diets?
How do you manage your stress levels?
How often do you wash your hands?
do you currently have a cold, a headache or any other noticeable health condition that’s affecting how you feel?
Your Diet
Your Diet
The healthiest thing about you is actually your diet. You enjoy food as much as the next person but you watch what you eat and make sure not to consume any harmful foods. It's your diet that's keeping your health in check, ensuring that your body functions as it should.
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Your Fitness
Your Fitness
The healthiest thing about you is your fitness. You have your own fitness regime that is perfectly suited for your particular needs, which in turn keeps your body in check. Your fitness regime also ensures that the rest of your body functions as it should be.
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Mental Health
Mental Health
The healthiest thing about you is your mental health. You know that a healthy mind means a healthy body and you make sure to keep the balance. You don't let stress get to you and make sure to eat well and exercise regularly to keep your mental health in check.
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Your Balance
Your Balance
The healthiest thing about you is your balance. You usually know how much is too much, but you'd always try anything once. You try to eat well and exercise, even if you're not religious about it. You enjoy trying out new things and always look for ways to take better care of yourself.
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Your Immune System
Your Immune System
The healthiest thing about you is your immune system. You have the immune system of a superhero! You seldom get sick, but when you do, you know that it's serious. You eat well and try to exercise. You keep clean but you're not afraid to expose yourself to germs every now and then and build immunity for the future.
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