What One Word Would Describe You As A Human Being?
What One Word Would Describe You As A Human Being?
If you could sum up your existence in one word, what would it be?
If you could sum up your existence in one word, what would it be?

What do you want most in life?
Which would you like to prevent from happening in your life?
Have you ever broken a promise?
Do you enjoy having a wide circle of good acquaintances?
In your group of friends, you tend to...
When you have some spare time you like to...
In a crisis, you...
Which of these pieces of advice is the most important?
Your life can be tough sometimes, and when things don't go your way you wonder why. You're not a fan of making big decisions but you make great friends! It's important for you to remember though that you're sweet, kind and loyal; a good friend and a wonderful person!
You're open-minded and insightful, marching through life to the beat of your own drum. You're smart and perceptive and prefer going with the flow as opposed to making rigorous plans. This may not be the path for everyone, but it sure works for you!
You're a loving, loyal friend and are wiser beyond your years. Your kind and helpful nature makes you quite an enchanting person to be around as you dazzle everyone with your beautiful personality.
Even when the going gets tough, you retain your composure and use your wit to power through. You're quite courageous and practical and know how to deal with difficult situations. You love spending time with your friends and squeeze in a work out when you've got the time.
Your life is filled with love and the belief that there is always kindness in the world. Sometimes you might come across as slightly naive, but that is only because people don't see life as beautifully as you do. You're trusting and and non-confrontational and believe that everyone in this world has their own destiny to fulfill.
You're quite fun-loving and energetic. You don't sweat the small stuff and have plenty of patience when need be. You're also quite pragmatic and practical, but you don't like to brag.
You live your life intuitively and allow for your brain to be your guide. Sometimes you need to learn some of life's lessons the hard way, but it only makes you stronger. You know what you want and you're not afraid to do whatever it takes to get it!
You're a faithful friend and simply LOVE company! You have a powerful personality that draws others in, be it with your jokes or your superior intellect. However, you don't really let it all go to your head and you try to do your best to be kind and gracious to others. You tend to give 110% to all of your endeavors, both personal and professional, letting your inner passion be your driving force.