What Fear Is Stopping You From Being Your Best Self?
What Fear Is Stopping You From Being Your Best Self?
If you can identify the signs of your inner inhibition, you can start to understand their causes and be able to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
If you can identify the signs of your inner inhibition, you can start to understand their causes and be able to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

How do you handle being wrong?
Are you expressive with your emotions?
Do you take criticism personally?
Do you like your job?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Do you see yourself as a perfectionist?
Do you mostly think with your head or with your heart?
Do you consider yourself to be spontaneous?
The Fear of Failure
The Fear of Failure
This is easily the most common fear people have towards success. You have a very developed imagination and you're able to picture things that do not even exist. As much as this can serve you, the imagination can get the worst of you.
the word failure has a negative connotation but in reality, is actually just life’s way of teaching us what not to do so we can learn what does work.
The Fear of Being Vulnerable
The Fear of Being Vulnerable
If you have the fear of being vulnerable, it means 2 things, you’re hiding your emotions, and you’re misinterpreting what high self-esteem means.
You need to allow yourself to feel the way you want, express it, not apologize for it, and muster up the courage to get over the negative feelings.
Being vulnerable is needed if you want to find love, find your passion, be enthusiastic, influence people, inspire others, gain a good group of friends, and much more.
The Fear of Rejection
The Fear of Rejection
The only reason you fear rejection is because you don’t want to be hurt. You may have heard this before, but rejection should never be taken personally, whatever it is, it has literally nothing to do with you as a person.
Often it could be the person having a bad day, you having a bad day or the energy not being right.
The Fear of Being The Odd One Out
The Fear of Being The Odd One Out
You are scared to put forth your ideas and your unique creations because of what you think others would think. This fear ties in with being lonely, and the fear of success, and comes with the belief that people won’t like you if you stand out.
Being different is good, being weird is interesting, and if you’ve never been given permission before, GO DO WHAT YOU WANT, and let the people worry about themselves.
The Fear of Responsibility
The Fear of Responsibility
The people who live the most fulfilling lives, understand the major benefits of taking on more responsibility, and if you want to achieve any sort of greatness, you need to realize this too.
Some of the perks that come with a person who can handle a lot of responsibility include being seen as a leader, gaining major wisdom, being a person of value, and therefore opening up to more opportunities.
The Fear of Wasting Time
The Fear of Wasting Time
This fear stems from the belief that success is something to “attain” something that’s outside of ourselves, and something that’s in the future. The truth is, if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re on the wrong path and this is also the solution to getting over this fear.
If you did what you believed has purpose, and enjoyed doing, and found a way to support yourself doing so, then that in itself is one hell of a life, you’re actually utilizing your time, not wasting it!