Which Famous Man Do You Subconsciously Desire?
Which Famous Man Do You Subconsciously Desire?
Which famous hunk do you subconsciously have the hots for?
Which famous hunk do you subconsciously have the hots for?

Which lips would you most like to kiss?
Which eyes could you gaze into for days?
Which chest would you most like to rest your head on?
Which hand would you most like to hold?
Pick the silhouette of your perfect man...
Long hair is...
How about facial hair?
And finally, your ideal man should...
You subconsciously desire Channing Tatum
You subconsciously desire Channing Tatum
You need a beautiful doe eyed guy who will listen when you need someone to listen and who won’t run away when you bare your emotional self. You value being real and vulnerable with someone and want to be able to talk about the hard things in life and in the world together. You can expect lots of laughter, tears, and loving life together.
You subconsciously desire Tom Hardy
You subconsciously desire Tom Hardy
You live in the present and conduct yourself by your own internal code of values. You venture where most fear, and not too anxious about tomorrow. You always keep moving somewhere, and look optimistically into the future.
You subconsciously desire Ryan Gosling
You subconsciously desire Ryan Gosling
You are mature emotionally and willing to be vulnerable. You realize the magnitude of honesty and dignity in a close, intimate relationship, and you value the other side’s interests, emotions, and need for space. You’re easily affectionate, enjoy warmth and tenderness, and capable to communicate feelings with respect.
You subconsciously desire Chris Hemsworth
You subconsciously desire Chris Hemsworth
You want a guy who is a real man’s man and isn’t afraid to be rough and get a little dirty, yet you value someone who makes you feel feminine and treats you like a lady. You can expect snuggling while watching the football game, working out together, and a man who will build the home you’ve always dreamed of for you! Hubba Hubba!
You subconsciously desire Robert Downey Jr
You subconsciously desire Robert Downey Jr
You are hard-working, friendly, and loyal. You are also confident with your body, and have strong athletic abilities. You are well-coordinated, independent, and practical, and enjoy solving concrete instead of abstract problems. That's cool. You are wild, like to party and live life to fullest, you like rich guys and don't care if they are too busy for you!
You subconsciously desire Bradley Cooper
You subconsciously desire Bradley Cooper
You want a man who will challenge you creatively and will inspire you daily. You value sensitivity but also a masculine sense of adventure. You can expect lots of exploration together, to work together on projects and to spend many a night listening to old records by the fire.