which Once Upon a Time character are you?
which Once Upon a Time character are you?
Try out this new quiz to see which character in once upon a time you are!
Try out this new quiz to see which character in once upon a time you are!

Are you male or female?
What is your main characteristic?
What would you do when your faced with a problem?
How many episodes of Once Upon a Time have you watched?
Snow White
Snow White
You are Snow White! Most of the time you are confident and never backs away in difficult situations. You can take charge of your people without having to stress and will always find your true love.
Prince Charming
Prince Charming
You are Prince Charming! You are a dominant leader and like to take charge. Even if your true love is lost, you will always find her. You take risks but always thinks thing through.
Emma Swan
Emma Swan
You are Emma Swan. You are well-known but don't take it for granted. You can always tell when someone is lying and have powers you don't even know about.
You are Belle! You are a bit of a book-worm but your knowledge helps your friends get out of trouble. You had no trouble finding your true love although it is not what others expect.
The evil queen
The evil queen
You are the evil queen! You have a very short temper and do bad things if angry. When you have an idea in your mind, you will stick to it no matter what. Although all the bad things, you will do anything for your loved-ones.
You are Rumpelstiltskin! You are a very powerful man and can get what you want always. But, you struggle to find any time for your loved ones. Your temper is limited and you can go insane when angry.