What is your dream job?
What is your dream job?
This test will determine what you will be when you grow up
This test will determine what you will be when you grow up
What did you want to be when you were younger?
What do you enjoy doing on the weekend?
What is your favourite sport?
How responsible are you from a scale of 1-10?
Lastly, do you already have a job?
You were always destined for the stage, you are meant to be an actress, singer or dancer, you love being the centre of attention. The stage is your home!
You are extremely photogenic and love being in front of the camera
You love helping sick people and always being there when people need you, great job!
Humanitarian aid worker
Humanitarian aid worker
You love helping people around the world. This job is perfect for your kind, generous personality
An athlete
An athlete
This job is perfect for your active personality. You love doing something at all times, especially when it's sports. You would rather be exercising than anything else.
A lawyer
A lawyer
You love being in charge of everything, and judging people. A lawyer is your perfect job because you love proving people right.
A teacher
A teacher
You love being around people and can't stand being alone. A teacher is perfect for your social and hard working personality, you love kids and don't mind going back to school after you graduate.