Did It Happen In New Jersey Or Florida?
Did It Happen In New Jersey Or Florida?
Can you guess which weird, out-of-left field stories happened in New Jersey and which ones happened in Florida?
Can you guess which weird, out-of-left field stories happened in New Jersey and which ones happened in Florida?
Man caught dancing atop a patrol car, says he was threatened by vampires
Man named Bacon gets into a dispute over sausage
Woman punches neighbor for petting her dog
Man slashes woman’s tires with an ice pick, claimed she was sitting in his favorite bingo seat
Naked Man, high on PCP, tried to gnaw his own finger
Man charged with murder by bow and arrow after fist fight
Man throws intestines at cops
Man Drives Truck Full of Vodka Into Tree
Man builds water park in backyard
Man Films Himself Driving Around Drunk and High at 3am With Wounded, Endangered Owl
Man refuses to take spaghetti strainer off for DMV photo
Woman pleads guilty in back alley penis enlargement death