How Many of These 90s One-Hit Wonders Do You Actually Remember?
How Many of These 90s One-Hit Wonders Do You Actually Remember?
They were popular once. . .
They were popular once. . .
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Who sang "Macarena?"
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How about "What is Love?"
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"Tubthumping?" - You'll recognize it's popular lyrics "I get knocked down, but I get up again . . ."
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You definitely remember "Baby Got Back?"
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Who sang "Jump?"
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What about "Closing Time?"
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Do you remember "Save Tonight?"
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What about "Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
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You know this song, but do you know who sang "I'll Be There For You?"
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What about "Would I Lie To You?"
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Who sang "Bittersweet Symphony?"
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Do you remember the song "Butterfly?"
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What about "Whomp (There It Is)?"
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Who sang the one-hit wonder, "Torn?"
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How about "You Get What You Give?"
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Do you remember "I Love You (Always Forever)?"
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How about "Mambo No. 5?"
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Who sang "Jump Around?"
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Do you remember who sang "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)?"
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What about this gem, "I'm Too Sexy?"