Are These Urban Legends Myth Or Fact?
Are These Urban Legends Myth Or Fact?
Everyone knows that urban legends aren't real, are they?
Everyone knows that urban legends aren't real, are they?

A babysitter receives threatening calls which, when tracked by police, are determined to be coming from inside the house.
When you swallow chewing gum, it stays in your stomach for 7 years.
A man, trapped in the elevator doors, is decapitated.
After mistakenly being buried alive, a woman claws her way to the surface.
If you stand in front of a mirror and repeat "Bloody Mary" three times, her ghost will appear and slit your throat.
A couple finds out the horrible smell their hotel room is coming from a dead body under the bed.
A business woman meets an attractive stranger while out of town. After a steamy night, she wakes in her hotel bathtub without her kidneys.
Sometimes, insects crawl inside your ear and lay eggs in your brain.
After moving into a new home, the owners discover that their tap water is black and later workers find a decaying body in the sewer.
After renting a movie, a couple discovers their DVD was accidentally switched out with "snuff film"--or real footage murder in progress.
Although their fangs are too small to penetrate human skin, daddy-longlegs are among the most poisonous spiders on earth.
A teenager rigs a haunted house stunt, involving a fake gallows with a body harness. Unfortunately, the stunt goes horribly wrong, and the boy is killed.
A patient is admitted to the hospital. When doctors begin to operate, she emits noxious fumes that kill the doctors and nurses.