How Vengeful Are You Based On The Colors You Choose?
How Vengeful Are You Based On The Colors You Choose?
When bad things happen, are you more likely to seek revenge or let things go? What does your choice in colors say about your personality?
When bad things happen, are you more likely to seek revenge or let things go? What does your choice in colors say about your personality?

What do you feel the primary color of this image is?
Which color stands out here?
And here?
Which color jumps out at you?
And here?
And here?
Which color feels most prominent here?
And here?
And here?
And here?
And which color stands out here?
Red - Revenge
Red - Revenge
You can't help it. When someone acts against you, your friends, or family, you see RED -- the color of vengeance but also passion. Your fiery temper won't allow you to just let things slide. However, your passion for justice also drives you to right the wrongs perpetuated on others.
Black - Anger
Black - Anger
Anger is your first reaction when wronged. It's like you've been enveloped in a thick BLACK cloth of rage. And it takes you a long time to cool down. However, you've been able to channel your anger into constructive outlets, seeking revenge as only a last resort.
Purple - Betrayal
Purple - Betrayal
The smallest of slights against you often feel like a betrayal against you and your family. With a regal PURPLE bearing, you take things a little too personally. Still, you recognize that not every slight is pointed directly at you. Fortunately, your sensitivity also translates into a deeper understanding and caring nature.
Orange - Irritation
Orange - Irritation
Although you're generally fairly tolerant of those around you, it doesn't take very much to get under your ORANGE skin. All it takes is one little scrape and the world becomes the sand to your oyster. Fortunately, your annoyance is easily managed, and from it, comes pearls of wisdom.
Blue - Acceptance
Blue - Acceptance
Overall, the world really has to try pretty hard to get beneath your calm exterior. For the sake of your cool BLUE shell, though, you are often forced to maintain an aloof attitude to keep an even keel. Aside from that, your gentleness and rationality make you easy to get along with.
Green - Forgiveness
Green - Forgiveness
Troubles seem to roll right off your back like water off a duck. Your GREEN sense of balance allows you to take everything with a grain of salt and see the beauty in every perspective. Sure, your laid back nature may frustrate some people, but its absolutely necessary to your forgiving nature -- something that easily endears others to you.