15 Things Only Introverts Can Relate To
15 Things Only Introverts Can Relate To
If you're an introvert you know life can be full of ups and downs. One seconds you're pleasantly chatting up the store clerk, the next minute you're hiding behind a subway pole. Here are 15 things that only introverts can relate to:
If you're an introvert you know life can be full of ups and downs. One seconds you're pleasantly chatting up the store clerk, the next minute you're hiding behind a subway pole. Here are 15 things that only introverts can relate to:
Hiding in the bathroom at a party because you need to take a break:
It's a proven fact that introverts always know where the bathroom is at all times. At parties, introverts are notorious for hiding out in these lavatories and will even set up a mini home office so they can do some work. The key is not to bother the introvert when they're "hiding out" the rule of thumb is that they'll come out on their own time.
When people think you're pissed off when really you're just deep in thought.
I can't tell you how many times someone asks if I'm okay, when really I'm just thinking! Introverts tend to have pensive faces, it's not we don't like you, it's just that we're analyzing what you just said and trying to think of a witty remark. You gotta problem with that?
When your ride at a party doesn't want to leave early and no one gets your pain.
Staying at a party longer than you have to is not only not fun, but it's flipping torture! If you imagine an introvert like a battery, on a normal day with normal interactions, their battery goes down at a slower pace. But at a party, with all the interactions everywhere, their batteries are drained at lightning speeds! So now you understand our pain.
The "Why are you so quiet" question.
Oh god, don't get me started on this one. The "why are you so quiet" question pops up usually when a nearby extrovert becomes increasingly uncomfortable with your pleasant quietness. Extroverts need attention you see, and if you're not giving it to them, they'll ask you "why are you so quiet," mostly to get a rise outta you. Or maybe they're just curious, but either way it's a nightmare because you don't know how to react to it. No matter what you say, you've lost the "introvert-extrovert duel" Game over.
Trying to be extra outgoing with your crush so they know you don't hate them.
How frustrating is it, when you try to let your crush know you like them, but they think you're ignoring them. To compensate for this, introverts will become very energetic and kind of silly around their crush, this is to ensure a mutual flirtation...hopefully.
Thinking a party is a good idea, then this happens.
Introverts don't have the wiring to equip them for long conversations and especially parties. Our endurance only goes so far. Some of us usually end up sitting on the floor somewhere or hanging out on the porch watching the cars go by. We tried!
When someone interrupts your thinking and you get overly angry.
The introvert's mind is constantly running, worrying about things in the past, present and future and also just figuring how much double stuff cremes you can put together between one oreo until it would become inedible. But if you interrupt our thoughts with something as insignificant as "what would you like for dinner," or "I heard it's going to rain tomorrow," we will get irrationally angry.
Small groups is where you thrive.
For some reason hanging out with 2-5 people is like the most fun ever. You don't have to worry about mixing and mingling. Also hanging out in small groups gives you this hybrid of intimate conversation with the upbeat spirit of a party. It's just where we belong.
As an introvert, what thing do you relate to most?? Tell us in the comments below!