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Fun With Flavors: Are You More Blue Raspberry or Watermelon?

Which popular American candy flavor are you? Answer these tantalizingly quizzical questions to find out!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Nov 26, 2023
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Did you know that Blue Raspberry and Watermelon are the two most popular flavors in the US? Each flavor has its distinct fruity personality. Are you rebellious and creative like Blue Raspberry, or calming and nuanced like Watermelon? Let the candy decide your sweet, sweet personality!

>> Ready for a Sweet Quiz on the Origins of Candy?

Do you think being late is rude?

Do you believe that everyone is special or the same?

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Which word describes you best?

Which of the following words are you most like?

What is your favorite thing to do online?

When you were little, were you good or bad?

Do you believe that mythical creatures like fairies and dragons exist or existed?

Do you have more of a sweet or savory tooth?

Which emotion do you feel most throughout the day?



Oooo! You are a calming and nuanced person, maybe drawn to more abstract topics and ideas. You don't like to overcomplicate things and have a tendency to diffuse drama wherever you go. You just like to take the scenic route in life, and inspire others to do the same.

Blue Raspberry!

Blue Raspberry!

Nice! You are a creative and rebellious person. You definitely went through a punk phase in highschool and are often popular in friend groups. You tell it like it is and people super appreciate you for that!

Which of these sweet treats do you like most?

Calculating results
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On Nov 18, 2021
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