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Be Honest and Tell Us Your Favorite Foods From This Obscure List

These are some of the randomest foods we could come up with. Choose your favorites we want to know!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Feb 4, 2023
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Are you a foodie or someone who likes to experiment with weird foods? We've put together some of the most random foods we could think of. And no, we're not talking eggs with ketchup or oatmeal with a million different toppings - we're talking foods that you likely wouldn't see on a daily basis.

We want to get your opinion on your favorite foods! Go through these lists and tell us your what you think and how you really feel about these delicious, weird and random foods. At the end, you'll see how your opinions differ from others around the world!

Time to vote! What's your favorite frozen food from this list?

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How about breakfast foods? Which are you choosing?

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What's your favorite food from this list?

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Ok, it's lunch time. Which are you ordering first?

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Last but not least, which odd food looks tastiest?!

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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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