Can You Finish These Funny Bill And Ted Movie Lines?
Can You Finish These Funny Bill And Ted Movie Lines?
Bill and Ted Face the Music will be released Aug. 28 and is set to be played in theatres all across the country! Can you finish these lines from the original Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?
Bill and Ted Face the Music will be released Aug. 28 and is set to be played in theatres all across the country! Can you finish these lines from the original Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?

"Oh, you beautiful babes from England, for whom we have traveled through time, will you go to the _________? we will have a most triumphant time!"
"I dunno. Philosophize with him!", "All we are is _______, dude."
“Strange things are afoot at the ________.”
“The best time to be is now, and all’s we can say is... _______!”
“I do not believe we will get _______ before we have a triumphant video.”
“This is not like I expected at all! We got totally lied to by our _________.”
“That was non-non-non-non-________!”
“Remember when she was a senior and we were ________?”
"I totally possessed my ________".
“The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing... _______"
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