Can You Finish These Saturday Morning 90's TV Show Sayings?
Can You Finish These Saturday Morning 90's TV Show Sayings?
Saturday mornings were the best weren't they? 90's kids always looked forward to Saturday mornings because that meant hours and hours of cartoons along with all the cocoa puffs and honeycomb you could eat, if your parents were cool with that. Let's see if you can finish these iconic sayings from these Saturday morning shows!
Saturday mornings were the best weren't they? 90's kids always looked forward to Saturday mornings because that meant hours and hours of cartoons along with all the cocoa puffs and honeycomb you could eat, if your parents were cool with that. Let's see if you can finish these iconic sayings from these Saturday morning shows!
"It takes a lot more than a couple of cheap shots to make us cry."
If he's the best man, why isn't she marrying him?
"Dear Journal, hi! it's me..."
"I'm nauseous! I'm nauseous! I'm nauseous!"
"Garbage day is a very dangerous day."
"Dump him at the city limits."
"Great gogglie wogglie."
"And by Delta Airlines. Because at Delta, We love to fly and it shows."
"You cannot return to your world. If you do, you will lead the triad there."
"Good thing these guys aren't lumberjacks! ..."
"Knowing you, it was probably economy coach."
"Wait a minute. You expect us poor, innocent children to climb up dangerous scaffolding and paint naked people all over a church?"
"I should warn you, I can be a difficult taskmaster."