Can You Pass This Pride Knowledge Quiz?
Can You Pass This Pride Knowledge Quiz?
How in the know are you about pride? Are you down with the pronouns? Are you savvy about the history and origin of pride? Let's find out how much you know
How in the know are you about pride? Are you down with the pronouns? Are you savvy about the history and origin of pride? Let's find out how much you know

Name the city where the Stonewall Inn riots broke out on June 28, 1969.
When did The American Psychiatric Association declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder?
Which one of the largest LGBT magazines in the U.S. was founded before the Stonewall riots?
Which is considered a masculine pronoun?
When was the nation's first gay pride parade held?
Which isn't a gender pronoun?
Which U.S. university opened the first office for LGBT students?
Which of these isn't a gender neutral pronoun?
Who was the first openly gay man to be elected to political office in the state of California?
What is the meaning of the "fae" pronoun?
Which U.S. state became the first to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation?
Which gender pronoun would someone use if they were gender fluid?
Under whose administration was "Don't ask, don't tell" repealed from the U.S. military?
Who designed the rainbow flag — one of the most prominent symbols of the LGBT community?
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