Choose Some Frozen Treats And We'll Reveal What You Look For In A Date
Choose Some Frozen Treats And We'll Reveal What You Look For In A Date
It's summer and we're all reaching for those popsicles and freezies! Choose your treats and we'll reveal what you look for in a partner
It's summer and we're all reaching for those popsicles and freezies! Choose your treats and we'll reveal what you look for in a partner

Ahhhh, who doesn't love a good frozen treat? We're talkin' creamsicles, freezies, granita, sorbet, ice cream cones, and most importantly, sundaes. Frozen treats are also great for sharing with a date. But how do you know who to choose? You might not see it, but you already have a set quality you look for in potential dates. You can't really help this, it's just the one thing all of your dates usually always have in common. So choose your treats and let's see what that quality is!
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
Choose a treat:
You look for... a positive spirit!
You look for... a positive spirit!
Positivity is the most important thing you look for in potential dates. It could be because you have gone through a lot in your life, you're through with the BS and want someone who also is in it for the positive vibes. You almost look for a best friend energy when looking for dates because you know you'll have the most fun if you're comfortable and can be totally free around them. Click below to share your results.
You look for... intelligence!
You look for... intelligence!
You look for intelligence as the number one quality in your dates. You yourself are a self-professed genius so you need someone who will meet you at your level. You could literally talk for hours about everything and nothing at the same time. You are a complex creature and you require another one like you to validate your crazy ideas. Click below to share your results.
You look for... physical attractiveness!
You look for... physical attractiveness!
You can't help it, your number one priority when looking for dates is physical attractiveness. If they don't meet your standards you can't bring yourself to follow through with a third or fourth date. Agh, too bad. Click below to share your results.
You look for.... a sense of humor!
You look for.... a sense of humor!
You gotta have a sense of humor, otherwise what's the point, right? You also have a sense of humor and you want someone you can lay your jokes on. You imagine the both of you laughing together in the morning, in the afternoon and then some more at night. Basically you can't stop telling jokes in your everyday life, so your partner has to do the same. Click below to share your results.
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