How Many Of These Black Lives Matter Facts Do You Know?
How Many Of These Black Lives Matter Facts Do You Know?
Get informed with these fast facts!
Get informed with these fast facts!

What percentage of federal grand juries fail to return an indictment for the death of Michael Brown at Ferguson?
Which US Supreme Court justice wrote a dissent that was later described as “a black lives matter manifesto”?
In 2015, Black Lives Matter activists achieved all of these EXCEPT:
Of the 900 people shot and killed by police in 2015, how many were dis-proportionally black compared to the rest of the population?
What percentage of white Americans expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement in a July 2016 Pew Research poll?
What is the hashtag associated with the Blue Lives Matter, the pro-police movement?
President Obama is one of how many African-Americans to have served as a US senator in American history?
What is the 'broken windows' theory?
Eric Garner, who died after being placed in a choke-hold while he was arrested in New York City was initially stopped because:
In Mississippi in 1955, an all-white jury acquitted the two white men who murdered 14-year-old Emmett Till after he:
What change did the BLM inspired movement, "Concerned Student 1950", protest bring about?
Which foreign country has an official Black Lives Matter chapter?
What punishment did the four officers ultimately receive for beating Rodney King in 1991?
Black Lives Matter was founded by how many activists?
What event inspired Alicia Garza to write the “love letter to black people” with the ideas that inspired the first #BlackLivesMatter hashtag?
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