If You Can Identify These Asian Foods, You're Definitely NOT Boring
If You Can Identify These Asian Foods, You're Definitely NOT Boring
Asian food is delicious and dare we say interesting, as in… the absolute opposite of boring.
Asian food is delicious and dare we say interesting, as in… the absolute opposite of boring.
With the jazzing up of asian takeout and ramen noodles galore everywhere you turn, asian food has become a popular go to when eating out and at home. Not everyone is up to speed when it comes to these umami-filled asian dishes. Let’s find out if you can correctly identify these dishes and as a result, you’ll find out how Boring you really are.
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Which Asian dish could this be? (hint: it's from India)
Which dish is this? (hint: it's from the Philippines)
Which Asian dish could this be? (hint: it's Nepali)
Which dish is this? (Hint: It's from Thailand)
Which Asian dish could this be? (Hint: it's Japanese)
Which dish is this? (Hint: It's Vietnamese)
Which Asian dish could this be? (Hint: It's Filipino)
Which dish is this? (Hint: It's Bhutanese)
Which Asian dish could this be? (Hint: It's Malaysian)
Which dish is this? (Hint: It's Thai)
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Which Asian condiment would you take with you to a deserted island?