Only 20% of GenZ Can Score Perfectly on This Coding Quiz

Coding is the world's new secret language. Although it takes a long to learn, once you know the basics, you can start inputting commands like no one's business! Let's see how well you know coding. Can you pass this test?!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Jan 31, 2023
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It seems like almost everyone is coding these days or at least has an interest in it! Coding requires long periods of focus, an intelligent mind, and even some creativity. Coding is a versatile art and is used to make so many things like video games, apps, websites, and more. How far can you get on this coding quiz? Let's find out!

1 / 10

What does this command do?

2 / 10

What does this command do?
hello = 200

3 / 10

What does this command do?
myname = "Greg"
print("Bye", myname)

4 / 10

What does this command do?
a = 10
b = 5
c = 3
d = a + b * c
print (d)

5 / 10

What does this command do?
a = 2
b = 8
c = a + b

6 / 10

What does this command do?
a = 1
if a = = 2:
print("a is 2")

7 / 10

What does this command do?
a = 1
while a <= 10:
print("a is", a)
a += 1

8 / 10

What does this command do?
list = [5, 6, 7, 8]
for a in list:
print ("a is" a)

9 / 10

Which is a coding program?

10 / 10

What does this command do?

Questions left

Which is your favorite coding language?

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On Nov 18, 2021