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Only 40% of Adults Can Translate These Latin Words... Can You?

Videamus an has phrases latinas interpretari possis. Let's see if you can translate these latin phrases.

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On May 9, 2023
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Latin is an ancient human language that was written and spoken in the 3rd century. That was during the Roman Empire when people wore robes and stuff. Basically, Latin is the basis of a lot of European dialects and some people think it's important to know. Let's see if you can translate these Latin words into English.

1 / 10


2 / 10

"Ut relinquam."

3 / 10

"Fessus sum."

4 / 10


5 / 10

"Quia nunc vale."

6 / 10

"honoratus sum"

7 / 10

"Mira diem"

8 / 10

"sum laetus"

9 / 10

"Gratias tibi"

10 / 10

"Quia nunc vale"

Questions left

Which language do you want to learn most?

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