Should You Be A Vegetarian or an Omnivore?
Should You Be A Vegetarian or an Omnivore?
Where do you stand when it comes to eating animals? Should you eat meat or veggies? Let's find out!
Where do you stand when it comes to eating animals? Should you eat meat or veggies? Let's find out!

Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular ever since documentaries started informing us that what we put into our bodies is of utmost importance. Have you been thinking of maybe becoming a vegetarian? Maybe you ate a veggie burger the other day and thought, "hey this isn't so bad"? This quiz will help you decide whether or not you are cut out to be a vegetarian or if you should stick with the omnivores for now. Only the veggiest will prevail!
How often do you eat meat a week?
Which meal would you prefer to eat?
What could you not live without:
How bothered are you that humans eat animals?
Do you care about the environment?
How do you like your steak?
Pick a meat substitute:
Are you a picky eater?
How long could you stop eating meat for?
What kind of health issues do you have?
You should be a vegetarian!
You should be a vegetarian!
You are cut out to be a vegetarian. You could totally handle it so why not? You have an ethical stance regarding the treatment of animals and you are so not okay with it. Also, processing meat poses lots of environmental hazards, it's just way not cool! According to the quiz, you wouldn't miss meat and you would probably actually really enjoy getting into the veggie game. So why not? Click below to share your results.
You should be an omnivore!
You should be an omnivore!
Some people just aren't cut out to be vegetarians. It's important to consider health factors when you're switching diets. Some people don't do so well on veggie based diets. And let's face it, you would miss meat too much. But that's not to say you can't reduce your intake to help the planet! Click below to share your results.
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