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This Breakfast Quiz Will Reveal the First Letter of the Person's Name Who Will Kiss You Next

How much does breakfast reveal about the people in kissing distance? A lot! Eat the right breakfast and we’ll tell you the first letter of the name of the person who wants to kiss you!

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Aug 28, 2023
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These breakfast items are absolutely scrumptious and so is the person who will kiss you next (at least, we hope so for you). Who is this person, you ask? Well, the first letter of their name will be revealed to you after you go through our breakfast options. Will they be sweet like a stack of blueberry pancakes? Spicy like huevos rancheros or sophisticated like eggs benedict? Let the breakfast be the judge. 

>> Eat Some Breakfast & We'll Determine Exactly When You'll Meet Your Soulmate

How do you like your eggs?

What type of toast do you prefer?

What do you like to have on your toast?

What do you have on the side with your eggs?

What type of pastry would you like to have?

What about a drink? Which are you choosing?

Which fruit is your favorite?

What type of hot cake will you have?

What do you slather on your cakes?

What type of breakfast meat do you like to eat?

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is… T!

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is… T!

Tom, Timothy, Ted, Tess, Teresa, or Terrence! Which person around you has a name that starts with a letter T? Whoever it is, they could be hiding feelings for you and may even want to kiss you. Muah!

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is... S!

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is... S!

Sasha, Sam, Scott, Sebastian, Sean, Sara, Shane! Think, which person do you know starts with an S. They could possibly be thinking about you and may even want to give ya a smooch!

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is... E!

The first letter of the person who will kiss you next is... E!

Evan, Elenor, Elena, Eden, Ezra, or Edward?! What person around you starts with an E…They want to kiss you!

Which heart-shaped breakfast looks tastiest?

Calculating results
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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