This Doughnut Test Will Reveal Your Current Mood

Doughnuts are there for you in the best of times and the worst of times. What do you when you're reach for a doughnut. But which one?

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Oct 2, 2018

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

Choose a doughnut:

You are currently feeling....Happy!

You are currently feeling....Happy!

You are bright as the rising sun today. Nothing can go wrong since you're in this uppity mood!

You are currently feeling...Depressed

You are currently feeling...Depressed

Oh no, you seem to be feeling kind of down. No worries...more doughnuts!

You are currently feeling...Groovy

You are currently feeling...Groovy

You are just movin' and rockin' and rollin'. Everything is just going right for you today and you're in a free flowy kind of mood.

You are currently feeling...Irritated

You are currently feeling...Irritated

You're not sure why, but every little thing today is setting you off The ticking clock, the loud ding on your roommate's phone. It's enough to drive you up the wall!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021