This Image Test Will Reveal The Dark Side Of Your Personality
This Image Test Will Reveal The Dark Side Of Your Personality
Everyone has a dark side, if not the world would be very boring. Ever wanted to meet your shadow self? Take this quiz to learn the truth about yourself
Everyone has a dark side, if not the world would be very boring. Ever wanted to meet your shadow self? Take this quiz to learn the truth about yourself

What's behind your personality? When you look at nature, everything has a light side and a dark side. We have day and night, yin and yang, hot and cool, good and bad. So our personalities must be the same way! Image tests judge your image preferences and can match results with a personality trait. Go with your first instinct when choosing the images and see what results you get!
Choose a squirrel:
Choose an image of a waterfall:
Choose an image of a car:
Choose an image of pancakes:
Which image represents technology for you?
Which image represents Earth for you?
Which image represents friends for you?
Choose an image of a fish:
Choose an image of a traffic light:
Which image represents water for you?
The dark side of your personality is lazy!
The dark side of your personality is lazy!
You are someone who may have a laissez-faire attitude, and you live life at a slower pace. But some people can interpret this as being lazy. Some people may think you don't care or worse, that you are selfish, when you really don't mean to be. Don't think so? Share your result down below!
The dark side of your personality is conceited!
The dark side of your personality is conceited!
It may be hard to admit but you could be a little bit conceited. That means you could be excessively proud about your appearance and achievements. Vain is another word that could be used. Others may think you are ignoring them or are "too good" for them. But a little pride is okay, right? Don't think so? Share your result down below!
The dark side of your personality is dishonest!
The dark side of your personality is dishonest!
You may not be aware of this, but you tend to lie. It's actually pretty common and people tell little white lies all the time! You may go a little bit too far with your white lies and they become actual lies. The good thing is that most people don't realize you're doing this, but it could become a problem if it snowballs. Don't think so? Share your result down below!
The dark side of your personality is envy!
The dark side of your personality is envy!
We all feel jealous, and envy is just its more intense cousin. The feeling is described as a resentment or longing for another's possession. Jealousy tends to be transient while envy can stay for longer periods. As someone with envy you may feel like everything you do doesn't measure up. Try focusing on the good things in your life and see how it changes your perspective. Don't think so? Share your result down below!
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