Which Breathing Exercise Will Chill You Out Right Now?
Which Breathing Exercise Will Chill You Out Right Now?
When you're feeling stressed, breathing is the first thing to get out of whack. Which exercise will help you relax the most?
When you're feeling stressed, breathing is the first thing to get out of whack. Which exercise will help you relax the most?

Choose a crystal:
Choose a shade of blue:
Choose a therapy you need right now:
On a scale of 1-4 how stressed are you right now?
What do you currently do to relieve stress?
Choose a spot to getaway and clear your head:
How are you feeling right now?
Choose a shade of green:
Alternate Nostril Breathing....Will Chill You Out!
Alternate Nostril Breathing....Will Chill You Out!
Oh mama! You are stressed! All you have to do for this exercise is cover one nostril with your opposite hand, take a 5-7 second breath in, cover your other nostril and breathe out another 5-7 seconds.
Body Scan Breathing....Will Chill You Out!
Body Scan Breathing....Will Chill You Out!
You may be feeling a bit "ungrounded." All you have to do for this exercise is lie on your back. Start breathing deeply and start mentally scanning your body slowly from the top of your head, to your toes. Repeat 3-4 times.
The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique....Will Chill You Out!
The 4-7-8 Breathing Technique....Will Chill You Out!
You have a case of the anxieties! Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7, then breathe out for 8. Repeat 20-30 times. And you'll be on your way to relaxation!
The Breath of Fire.....Will Chill You Out!
The Breath of Fire.....Will Chill You Out!
You may be feeling tired and stressed at the same time. To do breath of fire, sit up tall. Breathe in and out into your belly, open your mouth and pant like a dog, feeling the movement in your diaphragm. Now breathe through this rhythm but through your nostrils. Now you're doing it! Continue for up to a minute.