Which Disney Song Represents Your Dating Life?
Which Disney Song Represents Your Dating Life?
Are you a Disney fan? Are you currently dating? This quiz will determine the Disney song that will match your dating life!
Are you a Disney fan? Are you currently dating? This quiz will determine the Disney song that will match your dating life!

Disney songs have a special place in our hearts, so much so that they can even relate to our dating life. If you're a Disney geek you will love this quiz! The resulting song is the one that represents your current dating life. Do you just want to chill out or are you seeking adventure? The song will tell you what's what. Let's see what you get!
What are you currently looking for in a date?
Choose a rose:
Which Disney character is most like you?
Choose a Disney prince to date:
What is your deal breaker?
Which Disney movie would you watch on a date?
What is your ideal date night?
What do you prefer after a first date?
Choose a gift to receive from your date?
Which app do you use most?
The song that represents your dating life is... The Bare Necessities
The song that represents your dating life is... The Bare Necessities
Right now you don't want a lot, you just want to have a good time. You are a low maintenance person and can have fun in any circumstance! So who needs expensive meals and gifts? You just need your date, an old movie and a couple of snacks. The Bare Necessities!
Share your result below!
The song that represents your dating life is... A Whole New World
The song that represents your dating life is... A Whole New World
You've dated a lot in the past, maybe even more than the average person. You always seem to end up with the same type. Right now you're trying to expand you're horizons and want someone different, someone new! Share your result below!
The song that represents your dating life is... Let it Go
The song that represents your dating life is... Let it Go
You're holding onto something that is keeping you away from dating or that is stifling your dating life. You've decided to let it go. Whatever happened in the past, it's in the past! Time to move on to something new. Share your result below!
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