Which Disney Villain Is Totally Your Mood Right Now?
Which Disney Villain Is Totally Your Mood Right Now?
Ugh, sometimes being evil feels like a full-time job. Find out which villain personality resembles your mood right now.
Ugh, sometimes being evil feels like a full-time job. Find out which villain personality resembles your mood right now.

Times are tough right now, it almost makes you wanna take over the world or something! JK. But seriously, we love our Disney villains, and can't everyone relate sometimes to these villainous personalities? Whether you love fur coats, you can eat 5 dozen eggs for breakfast, or you have a thing for stealing other people's singing voices, nobody's perfect. So dive right into this quiz and see which villain matches your mood.
Choose a color:
What is your favorite Disney film, hands down?
What time of day is it right now?
Which Disney character would be your BFF?
Choose a number:
What were you doing before taking this quiz?
Choose the closest thing to what you ate today:
What is a word that describes you?
What is your one pet peeve?
What color are you wearing?
Gaston is totally your mood right now
Gaston is totally your mood right now
Right now you're feeling oddly vain, like Gaston. You pass a mirror and can't help but take a look. You don't mean any harm by it, it's just your mood. You have a wind of confidence, and you have a daring attitude. If you've been scared to do something, now's the time to do it. Click below to share your results.
Hades is totally your mood right now
Hades is totally your mood right now
Often when you're grumpy, it comes out in witty remarks, impeccably timed by your genius brain. People often don't even know that you are in a bad mood because you're so dang funny! Unlike others who throw fits and yell when they're mad, you whip out the sarcasm. Click below to share your results.
Cruella De Vil is totally your mood right now
Cruella De Vil is totally your mood right now
Like Cruella, you are feeling as if the word revolves around you at this moment. You usually get what you want, but recently things haven't been going as you'd like and now you're full of tantrums. Not even a puppy will cheer you up! Well, maybe a puppy will cheer you but only if it has spots! Click below to share your results.
Ursula it totally your mood right now
Ursula it totally your mood right now
Your mood right now is a little extra! You find yourself exaggerating in everything that you do, and you're just in an "all about me" kind of phase which is something we all go through. If someone insults you, you just laugh it off because you know you're the "queen". But all in all you are just looking out for yourself. You gotta protect that pride and show people who's boss. Click below to share your results.
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