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Which U.S. State Matches Your Personality? 

Are you more of an Idaho or a New York? Which US states align closest to your personality?

Carly Wallace
Created by Carly Wallace
On Dec 3, 2022
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Imagine the hustle and bustle of New York compared to the calm, serenity of Arizona. U.S. states have their own unique personaliies, so which one matches yours? Choose the states that resonate with you most, and we'll reveal the one state that is you in a nutshell!

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

Which U.S. state resonates with you most?

You are New Jersey!

You are New Jersey!

You are boisterous, friendly, and welcoming! You love to relax and take it easy, overall you have a very positive vibe and you are protective of your friends.

You are California!

You are California!

You like to keep it cool, you live an alternative lifestyle, and no one can tell you what to do. You have an independent spirit, and you surround yourself with people who do too!

You are Minnesota!

You are Minnesota!

You are calm and easygoing. You love your family and are, all in all, a very grounded person. You enjoy spending time outdoors and in nature.

If you could visit one of these popular states TOMORROW, which would you choose?!

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