You're Either Cheese or Crackers... This Quiz Will Tell You Which
You're Either Cheese or Crackers... This Quiz Will Tell You Which
Do you like to be the base or the topping? Are you creamy or crunchy? This quiz will tell if you are crackers or cheese!
Do you like to be the base or the topping? Are you creamy or crunchy? This quiz will tell if you are crackers or cheese!
Ah, crackers and cheese, the classic food combination and snack that we all love! Sometimes crackers and cheese gets a backside to chips and other crunchy snacks, but honestly, you can't beat it! Now is the time to decide if you are crackers or cheese, how does this snack reflect your personality type?
Which word describes your personality best?
Choose your favorite color of these two:
Which word describes your mind the best?
If you had to choose to travel to one of these two places, where would you go?
What would you rather do?
Are you more moon or sun?
Which texture do you prefer?
What do you do on your days off?
Which word describes your soul best?
What is your main personality trait?
You are crackers!
You are crackers!
You are crunchy and make a good base! As a friend, you are super supportive. You always know the right thing to say. You have boundless energy and have lots of interesting ideas.
You are cheese!
You are cheese!
You're creamy and make a good topping! You are confident in your decisions, you are good at connecting with people, and have natural charisma! You are a natural-born leader and may even be great at public speaking.
What do you eat with cheese and crackers?
What do you eat with cheese and crackers?