What Tender Word Describes You?
What Tender Word Describes You?
Which soft sounding, sweet meaning word best suits your personality?
Which soft sounding, sweet meaning word best suits your personality?

What's your personal definition of "love"?
After how long of knowing someone does love fully blossom?
Is being sensitive a weak personality trait?
Do you allow your mind to be easily molded by your surrounding environment?
What's the difference between being in love and loving someone?
Which of the following should be treasured the most?
What's the highest form of affection you would display in public?
What's the greatest part of overcoming a personal struggle?
The tender word that best describes you is Cherish! You believe in protecting and caring for the things most dear to your heart, and you never take for granted the most valuable relationships in your life. You love to express extreme appreciation for those that should be treasured, and you're never short of some tender, loving care whenever the right time strikes!
The tender word that best describes you is Amore! You inhale and exhale the concept of love and the generosity that comes along with it. You fall head over heels quite easily due to your ability to see the good in everyone, and you'd rather recognize people for their positive traits instead of their flaws. You want your life to exude happiness and positive well-being, choosing to allow love to guide your choices over any negative emotion available!
The tender word that best describes you is Delicate! You are a soft, gentle person who likes to be handled with care. Your a sensitive soul who always takes into account the needs of others, and you greatly appreciate it when they do the same with you. Having a large sense of empathy doesn't make you weak, but actually strong. You can feel the connection and energy of people and it affects you greatly!
The tender word that best describes you is Youth! You have a youthful spirit that almost seems innocent in a way, and you're constantly inspired by the world around you. You walk through life with big eyes and a hopeful heart, paving the way for other people who want to experience this type of lust and carefree attitude on a daily basis. You allow your mind to be molded and inspired by new and exciting things, which is a gift to be treasured!
The tender word that best describes you is Sentimental! You make attachments easily and you place a lot of stock in valuable items that you've kept for long periods of time. You also take human connection quite seriously, and the deeper you feel for a person, the harder it is to let them go. You like to remember the good times you've had and keep those memories close to your heart, like sacred belongings that should be preserved for future generations to admire!
The tender word that best describes you is Affection! If anyone needs some serious feels, they know they should come to you. You're all about the physical touch and have no problem handing out a kiss, a cuddle, or a good ol' fashioned hug. You like to show people just how much you care in the form physical energy, because sometimes being metaphysical just isn't enough. You have a soft touch and a welcoming spirit, and you especially adore it when others return the affection!