What Is Your Christmas Spirit Animal?
What Is Your Christmas Spirit Animal?
Which Christmas critter represents your festive spirit?
Which Christmas critter represents your festive spirit?

How does Christmas time make you feel?
How much do you enjoy decorating for Christmas?
Pick a classic Christmas ad.
Which role amongst your family and friends do you usually take on during holiday season?
Which do you feel is the most significant part of Christmas Day?
What do you dislike the most about the holidays?
Choose your favorite jingle.
Which feeling comes over you when Christmas ends?
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is a Reindeer! Reindeers are mostly associated with joy and good fortune, so it's no surprise that this holiday season you're gonna bring the gift of giving into each home that you step into. When Christmas time rolls around you revert back to your childhood years and you feel like a kid again, finding yourself completely indulged in holiday music and tales of Old Saint Nick. You have a classic holiday spirit, so it's only natural that you're most in touch with the animal we all know and love!
Polar Bear
Polar Bear
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is a Polar Bear! We get the feeling that if you aren't already a parent, you play Mother Hen to the friends and family around you when the holidays draw near. You're a strong, independent person throughout the whole year, but we know that Christmas time can be incredibly stressful, so naturally, you take the reigns and plan the parties, Secret Santa games, and shopping crises under control. You're the bear who takes care of her cubs and makes sure everything goes well this Christmas!
Turtle Dove
Turtle Dove
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is a Turtle Dove! You may be traditional in the means in which you celebrate, but you're far from materialistic during the holidays. You like to emphasize the importance of happiness and being surrounded by your loved ones when you have the time to make the most of each other. You like to bring good news with you to your family gathering and offer some in return, especially if it's difficult to keep in touch year round. The turtle dove represents you perfectly this holiday season, bringing sentimental value along with you in spirit!
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is a Sheep! The sheep has important, biblical significance to it, representing the nativity scene in The Bible. It's true that you love the decorations, jingles and the spirit of giving on Christmas, but you haven't forgotten the true meaning behind the holiday and how it makes you feel. You are a believer who feels a connection to their religion and personal beliefs, and this particular time of year fills you with pride and prayer. Your spiritual animal holds a very special place in your heart with grand purpose!
Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is Grumpy Cat! Grumpy Cat may not be the most traditional of Christmas critters, but he's the perfect representation of an introvert such as yourself. You respect the holiday time and participate in the act of giving, but you'd prefer to hang inside and spend this special with the few people who are dear to you. You need to decorate a tree or attend and ugly Christmas sweater party to make the holiday count, and you most certainly would like to avoid those large shopping malls filled with crowds!
Your Christmas Spirit Animal is a Penguin! Penguins have a very special duel meaning that makes us believe they're your spirit animal for a reason. It's more commonly known that they symbolize love and commitment, which are two of the most important emotions to express this holiday season, but they also represent epiphanies. As Christmas approaches, you realize that it's the end of another year and you tend to take new beginnings very seriously. Not only do you choose to show your love through more grandiose gestures this holiday season, but you'll make changes for the better that have yet to be placed into motion!